Stacy Nicole

A Journey Through

Resilience & Redemption

Stacy invites you into the heart of her story, urging readers to embrace self-belief and turn their weaknesses into strengths.


About the Book

“A Lesson in Forgiveness” is a memoir that tackles the limitations of personal struggle and emerges as a source of inspiration for those who have endured abuse and parental neglect. Written by Stacy, this self-help narrative is entrenched in honesty, inviting readers to witness her extraordinary journey of resilience, forgiveness, and self-discovery.

The book delves into the far-reaching impact of various forms of abuse—sexual, physical, and emotional—providing insight and understanding for those who have faced similar challenges. Stacy fearlessly uncovers long-held family secrets, including her father’s involvement in drug-related activities and abuse. The narrative peels back the layers, revealing the hidden truths that shaped her tumultuous upbringing. Readers gain a poignant understanding of Stacy’s troubled childhood, marked by a schizophrenic mother and an abusive father.

“A Lesson in Forgiveness” urges readers to face their truths, conquer fears, and live authentically. In it, Stacy shares her philosophy of belief, perseverance, and the key to winning in life. Her memoir is crafted to be motivational, inspirational, and unapologetically sincere, serving as a guiding light for those navigating the shadows of abuse.

Reasons to Read

"A Lesson in Forgiveness"

Experience the resilience of the human spirit against all odds.

Embark on an impactful exploration of abuse.

Understand the challenges of growing up in a dysfunctional family.


What Readers Are Saying:

Ready to embark on your

Journey of resilience and redemption?